SIX DAYS have past (Aus - UTC/GMT +10 hours) and of course there are more stories!
Next trip - we would go to the Crown Casino! Since the Casino is open 24 hours, we headed out around 2AM. Gambling isn't my taste, but one guy we were with put in AUD$1 and got back 77 cents. I'm not sure how that worked out since Australia doesn't have pennies…but alright.
Interesting Aussie fact: Prices will either be rounded up or down to the nearest 5th because, indeed, there are no pennies ($1 and $2 are coins).
The next few days were filled with lots of walking and new discoveries. Did I mention a couple of dates (just one guy:)? One thing is for certain, things seem to go pretty fast here. Perfect pace for me. What are the chances.
On the road to adventure and the State Library (free internet!), I journeyed into a different part of Melbourne. I went to Melbourne's well-known Queen Victoria Market. It's much comparable to Flea Markets in flea markets in places like Fort Lauderdale, FL (Swap Shop). There were cool deals and I heard QVM is the best place to get fresh produce and eggs. I decided to eat lunch there at a corner café. If you're gluten-free, enjoy almost every café and restaurant in Melbourne, as they seem to have adopted special meals.
I stumbled upon the University of Melbourne and decided to explore the campus, confiscate a map, and see what I can learn within an hour. I was informed that UMel. is THE uni (short for University in Oz) in Victoria. I also heard it was THE uni in Australia, but I could be wrong.
The campus was so beautiful and perfect. It reminds me of a college campus you would see in a movie or on Boy MeetsWorld. The theme: Dream Large (not big…lol). I like it.
More adventures came throughout the week, but I'll let you take in the first three days. ;)
I'm really just looking for the thrill of it (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGUU7CiK7YU).
Melbourne, Australia is #2 most livable place on Earth (The Economist). Good life decisions.
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